

July 3 Toronto - Ottawa

Woke up 4:30 Did my blog. Rita got up at 8:00. Packed, cleaned up and  left Toronto at 10:45AM.

Stopped on an First Nations Reservation just before Kingston to fill up. We had driven from the Airport to the Apartment, to the Cemetery, to Niagara Falls and back all the way to Kingston. Didn't check the mileage before we started but at $.91 it cost $33, This Nissan Versa is an economical car.

Stopped at a Tim Horton's in Kingston. Each of us had a BBQ Beef Panini, Rita had a salad and I had a Canadian Maple Donut.

The coffee tasted so good, that I went back to buy a pound of ground coffee. Looked at the donuts on display, and just had to have a Boston Cream.

We had told the Airbnb owner that we would be on Ottawa between 5 and 6. Had plenty of time, so decided to drive around Kingston. Rita was not very impressed, with Kingston, so we just drove right through.

The drive from Toronto to Ottawa is boring. Especially after eating a Panini and 2 donuts. Just wanted to close my eyes for a minute. Kept telling myself that the road was pretty straight, closing my eyes for a minute was no problem. The only thing keeping me awake was Rita asking me what types of crops were grown on the fields beside the road. She must think I'm a real rube. I know she thinks that I have agricultural manners and intelligence, but I don't know why she thinks I can tell the difference between a turnip and a potato field.

Nearing Ottawa saw a sign, suggesting an alternate, scenic route. As I said we had plenty of time, so decided to take the scenic route. We have never seen more beautiful turnip and potato fields on any of our previous trips.

Arrived at 200 Besserer Ave. at 4:45PM. Since we were early, decided to go to the LCBO and the Metro Supermarket, I had found on Google earth, which are a block away. Bought 2 Liter Bottles of Hungarian Merlot-Kékfrankos, which we had had in a restaurant on the banks of the Danube in 2010 with Raya and Ken. $10 a Liter. Went to Metro Market bought some sandwiches. Rita bought a piece of chicken. The meeting was supposed to take place in the lobby between 5 and 6. We were there at 5:30. Nobody showed up. Rita was let into the lobby by a resident. Tried calling the number we were given. Our phones don't work in Ontario it seems. I had topped up my phone before we left. We should be able to make local calls, according to Telus. The phones used to be topped up automatically. For years we've had no problems. Last few months, we've had nothing but problems with them.

We were supposed to meet a Chinese student named Tyler who owns the apartment. A young Chinese guy came in the front door, I asked him if he was Tyler. he looked bewildered and didn't speak much English. It wasn't Tyler. A lady leading two dogs came through the lobby. Asked if there were any payphones around the neighborhood. She didn't know, but offered her phone to make a call. Phoned Tyler no answer.

At 6:00PM a Chinese guy, carrying two large packages of toilet paper, showed up. It wasn't Tyler, but he had the keys to let us into the apartment. Told us he was late because he had to shop for the toilet paper.

July 4 Ottawa

200 Besserer Ave. #910 is OK. Definitely not as nice as our Toronto apartment, but then it's cheaper. And if you look, there is an LCBO store on the right. No more anxiety about where to get booze.

Started walking towards the Parliament Buildings. They are exactly 1Km from our apartment.


Took some pictures and then went to a kiosk on Rue Elgin across from the East wing of Parliament. We were given wristbands and a slip of paper for our Rideau Canal cruise.

The bus left at 11:00 for a 11/2 hour tour of Ottawa and Gatineau Quebec, which is right across the Ottawa River. We didn't get off anywhere. We figured we will get off on our second trip around. Drove by Rideau Hall, the governor generals residence.

And 24 Sussex Drive. Justin's residence.

He wasn't home. His house is under construction, so he had to move out. He forgot to give me his forwarding address. Besides, I heard he was in Toronto snuggling up with the LGBTQ members.

There is construction going on everywhere. The city is getting ready for 2017, Canada's 150th anniversary. They are also constructing a Metro line. So there are holes everywhere. Walked down Sparks street, which is a pedestrian only street, one block from the Parliament buildings. Rita had to have pit stop. I can never get the spelling of that expression right. Is it spelled with a t or 2s's?

The street is lined with outdoor restaurants. We stopped at Nates Deli. Rita was hungry, I wasn't, since I had a good breakfast.

The waiter came while Rita was still away, so I ordered 2 beers and a Clubhouse sandwich. Shared the sandwich and then found out that Rita doesn't like Clubhouse sandwiches. After 34 years Rita is still a mystery to me. Who doesn't like Clubhouse sandwiches?

Yes, Elaine and Christian, those are Sleemans!!!

Decided to come back to the apartment. I started breaking up this website. It was getting too long and the computer was getting slower every day processing it. Couldn't get it to work. Spent hours working on it.

It was really hot and we decided not to go on another Hop-on Hop-off ride. We will take the cruise tomorrow. Besides we have the car. We can always drive.

Went to Metro to shop, and that was it for the day.

July 5 Ottawa

Woke up at 6:00. Made coffee sat down in front of the computer and in a few minutes I had done what I spent hours trying, unsucesfuly, to do yesterday. It has happened to me before, and I keep telling myself to take a break if I run into difficulties. But, just like everybody else, even I don't listen to myself. Rita woke up just before 9.

Just watched the video Norm had attached to his email. Shelley really pisses me off. She gets a free helicopter ride, and we are too poor to take one in Niagara Falls.

For those of you who don't know, Shelley had a bad accident with her bicycle. She has been in hospital for the last 2 weeks. She was allowed home this last weekend, but has a ways to go for total recovery. If you're reading this Norm, thanks for keeping us up to date.

Left the apartment just before 11AM.

We had received the cruise ticked yesterday, we had a choice of cruises. Either the river or the canal cruise. Decided to take the Ottawa River Cruise instead of the Rideau Canal Cruise. Asked a huckster who was standing on the bridge beside Chateau Laurier what time the cruise ship for the river was leaving. He gave us a pamphlet and told us that the next sailing is at 2:00PM. It was just after 11:30, so we thought we could tour one of the parliament buildings before we took the cruise. Lined up for about half an hour to get the tickets, The tickets are free but you have to line up to get them on the same day of the tour. You can't get tickets for the next day. The tickets for the capitol building in Washington, you can reserve online, a couple of months ahead. I thought we were smarter then the Americans. Wasting your time standing in line, in the hot sun, is not how you want to spend your vacation.

Finally made it to the counter and were told that the English Tours for the East block were gone, but the Center Block was still available at 4:20PM. Didn't know how long the cruise was, but having stood in line, we weren't about to leave empty handed. So took 2 tickets for the 4:20 tour.

Took some pictures by the Terry Fox Statue.

(I guess it's either genetic, cutting off heads in pictures like Rita's Dad used to do, or ISIS has a new recruit.)

Walked around the Parliament Buildings. Rita posed with the "Famous 5" Women's Liberationist Statues. 18 October 1929 will always be a day of infamy. That's when women became "Persons" in Canada.


Then headed for the cruise just after 1:00PM. Sat in the shade for awhile.


The cruise left at exactly 2:00PM.

Toured the Ottawa River.

The boat moored on the Gatineau side at 3:20 and we made it back to Ottawa at 3:40. Still had plenty of time to make it for the Center Block tour. As a matter of fact the boat was too early. It was comfortable with the breeze blowing during the cruise. Now we had to wait in the shade of the Parliament building. It was hot.


Finally, the guide arrived. She was a student from BC. They hire students as guides during the summer. Great idea. The only great idea that has come out of parliament, that I can recall.

Had to go through security. Tried to take a picture of Rita's purse being searched, at a preliminary security station, outside the building. I was told by the policeman standing there, that it was not allowed. So you will just have to believe me. Then we went inside the building and went through a thorough security check, just like at the airport. Rita's plate set the metal detector off. After they scanned her left wrist, with a wand, she was allowed through.

Started in the foyer. What a dingy place the whole Parliament building is. No sunlight coming through, just a few leaded glass windows, and insufficient lighting. But then I guess lies can't stand the light of day. And there's plenty of them that have originated in this building.

The last parliament building we have toured is the one in Budapest, which is light and elegant. The BC Parliament building is also much lighter than this. The Canadian Parliament building would make a good wine cellar. Better yet, it would make a great mushroom barn. Come to think of it, there are plenty of fungi here, and we pay dearly for them to sit in the dark and do what mushrooms do. Not much.


The House of Commons (AKA "The Chamber of Liars")

When we got to the Senate, a Policeman standing nearby almost jumped in front of me and instructed me to remove my hat before I entered the Senate. Can't remember if he had his hand on his gun, but he was very serious. Just to be nice to him, not wanting to ruin his day, I did. Taking off my hat didn't change my attitude, nor my respect, whatsoever.


I had lined my hat with tinfoil earlier, so they couldn't read my mind, and discover what I really thought of Senators or the Senate. Now I was exposed. Felt an anxiety attack coming on.

I guess it was just paranoia. They don't have a mind reader after all, otherwise they would have thrown me out of the building.

After the tour, we walked to the Metro and the LCBO. Restocked and went back to the apartment.

July 6 Ottawa

Woke early, did the blog. Rita woke around 7:00AM. Have no ambitious plans for today. Decided yesterday not to take a tour of the East Building. We might explore the ByWard marketplace just down the block.

Trying to get a hold of Eija. Wrote emails to Salimah, Rick, Raya to get a hold of her. Nobody is on Skype, or everybody has it turned off.

Rick replied a short while later, and said Eija was just fine. She could receive emails, couldn't send any. Told him about our website. Suprised he didn't know.

Left to see ByWard market around 2:00PM. It is mostly fast food restaurants, some women's junk jewelry stores. That's about it.

I was ready to take a picture of Rita as we arrived at the start of the market. A lady with her young daughter offered to take our picture. Handed the little girl the camera. What a great picture. Great photographer. But then the subjects are extremely photogenic.

Rita was in windowshopping mode. Stopped at practicaly every store.

Decided to walk to Chateau Laurier to go on a canal cruise. Rita figured if she couldn't skate on the Rideau Canal, she could at least salvage some bragging rights by taking the cruise. We arrived there at 2:45PM the next sailing was at 4:30PM. Since we had seen all the attractions in tha area we decided to forget it and head home. Rita still retains a fraction of bragging rights because the tour bus we were on went along the banks of the canal for quite a ways.

It was overcast but hot and muggy. Stopped at Metro and LCBO to stock up on our Hungarian wine supplies for Montreal. After tomorrow we have to travel light because we will not have a car. Rick said he had Skype and will talk to us later on. If anybody is trying to get a hold of us on Skype, our Skype names are Ritva_Toth or Tihamer_Toth.

To Montreal