

July 7 Ottawa - Montreal

Woke at 6 Rita at 7. Practiced driving to our hotel, Habitations du Vieux 401 Boulevard Saint-Laurent, Montréal, on Google Earth. It is in Old Montreal. Thought there would be a lot of one way streets in the neighborhood, so I thought I should practice.. I was right. Figured out how to park right in front of the hotel. It wont be nearly as bad as Granada, or Vienna.

No such luck, it was impossible to park anywhere near the hotel. The streets were full, all the parking lots were full. Drove around several times, finally found a parking spot a block away. Took out our suitcases and started dragging them on the sidewalk. Went around the corner. Looked back, no Rita. Waited for 5-10 seconds. No Rita. Turned around and went back. There was Rita coming, but I could see one of her pant legs was soiled. I asked if she had fallen. She said she had tripped on something.

At the front door of the hotel we knocked on the door. Nothing. There was a keypad. Tried "0" nothing. Finally a young couple came out who spoke very little English. They said the manager had a store at 24 Rue Saint Paul, just around the corner. Rita went and soon the front door was opened.

He gave us room 302 which was fine and we stated settling in. I went back to the car to get another load of luggage. As I was coming in the front door a lady, who I assume was of higher authority, said that we had been given the wrong room, and actually our room was on the 5th floor. She took me to room 501 which was much larger and nicer than 302. We moved everything up to our Penthouse suite and then went to take the car back to Hertz.

Returned the car to Hertz on Drummond street, and then started walking back to the hotel. Just around the corner noticed a statue of Guy Lafleur. Looked at the building, it was the Bell Center, the home of the Habs.

Took pictures of all the Montreal Canadien greats.

When we got back to our apartment, phoned Dean. They were at Notre Dame, which is only a block from us. Met, Tina and Dean on the square in font of the basilica. Dean phoned the kids who were somewhere else and they showed up after a while. Tina and Dean toured the Basilica while we were waiting. When the kids got there they decided to take the tour. We had seen so many Basilicas and Cathedrals  that we were not interested. Hana came back in 5-10 minutes. Joshua was impressed and took longer. They convinced us that it is worth while seeing, so we will take the tour during our stay.

After Joshua came back we decided to go to Swartz's Deli, a famous Hebrew Deli here in Montreal. Started walking and decided to stop by at Tina and Deans place on the way. Joshua found Steve's music store on the way. A humongous music store taking up a whole city block. He wanted to browse around the store. Agreed to meet at the apartment. Had snacks and wine.

After Josh showed up we decided to head out to the Deli. Joshua and Hanna said they would catch up with us. Saw a Hungarian Deli on the way.

Decided to look into the window on the way back.

Arrived at Swartz's and stood in line for about 15 minutes. The Kids decided not to come.

The internet reviews were raving. Tina and Dean said, the locals were raving about the smoked beef sandwich at Swartz's. Finally got in.

We each ordered, a smoked beef sandwich, of course. Tina just smoked beef. Pickles, fries, coleslaw.

Some famous band or a singer from a famous Vancouver band came in. I think it was "Trooper". Dean seemed impressed. It didn't fizz on us.

Sandwiches have about an inch of smoked beef between 2 pieces of Canadian Rye bread a little mustard. The Pickles were salty the beef was salty, even the French fries, which Rita had sprinkled with Swartze's spice, was salty. On top of that, the Deli is not licensed, so we had to drink Cherry Coke.

Wished we had stopped at the Hungarian Deli and had a Yummy Blood Sausage or anything. Not impressed.

While we were eating, one of the waiters dropped a plate beside us. While looking at the broken plate on the ground, I noticed the kickboard under the counter was pulled back. There was dirt, and I'm not talking recent dirt, behind it. I don't think this place could pass a health inspection in BC. It is definitely not "Kosher".

Tina and Dean took some takeout for the Kids. Don't want to sound anti-Semitic, but it has to be said. I personally, was totally disappointed. And I think, the consensus is, I'm not alone.

On the way back we were talking, and missed looking in the window of the Hungarian restaurant. It would have been interesting to see what they sell.

Tina and Dean went to their apartment and we agreed to meet at ours. Asked them to phone when they got there, so I could let them in.

Waited and waited. Rita finally decided to phone to see what was happening. No answer. Soon after the phone rang. Dean told Rita that they had been outside the front door for about 20 minutes, and our phone was busy. They were on their way home.

They decided to come back and look at our place. Tina, Dean and Joshua were here in a few minutes. Hanna decided to stay home.

Had some wine, looked at one of the videos Joshua had produced on our website. They didn't know of the website. Went to bed after 12:30.

July 8 Montreal

They say, "No Pain, No, Gain." I must have gained a lot, my calves are in PAIN from all the walking. Rita is fine, except for an upset stomach from, she claims, Swartz's smoked beef.

We have a reservation for a Hop-on Hop-off tour we have to redeem today. It's a distance away, I hope I can make it. I don't think I will book anything ahead of time in the future unless it's absolutely necessary.

Made the 2.5 Km. walk to Dorchester Square, redeemed our voucher and were tagged with wristbands. The tour bus passed right in front of our apartment and stopped about 2 blocks away. people were getting on and I noticed they weren't wearing wrist bands. Talked to the fellow in front of us, who just boarded the bus with his wife. He said the hotel told them to just board the bus and they will come along to collect the money. I thought "GOSH DARN".

Dean mentioned yesterday, that he didn't understand where the money came from for all the Murals and other artwork on the streets. There are a lot of them here in Montreal. The tour bus commentator  mentioned that 1% of the money spent on construction, according to the bylaws of Montreal, must go to art. Later we found out that the art has to be publically accessible 24 hrs. a day. That is why they are put outside of the buildings. Otherwise they would have to have the building open 24 hrs. a day.

Got off the bus at St. Joseph's Oratory.

Rita had to go really badly. I told her we should go up to the Oratory, they probably have washrooms. Hundreds of people were walking up the stairs. Rita wasn't willing to take the chance. Walked around a building by the parking lot, no luck. Walked down the street to Charcuterie Atlantique. Rita was relieved.

Quite awhile later she emerged and told me it was just good manners to buy something when you use the bathroom. So she went back in. Looking around I noticed that the Charcuterie was also a Poisonnerie. She walked out with a loaf of Rye Bread. I don't particularly like rye bread, I'm not going to question Rita's motives, but I will avoid this loaf like the plaque.

Went back to the Oratory and boarded the shuttle that went up the hill to the bottom of the building. A short flight of stairs and we were at the entrance.

There is a beautiful large chapel at this level,

It was dimly lit, but I managed to get a good picture.

Went up 4 long escalators to the Oratory itself. It has the second highest dome. Only St Peters in Rome is higher.

By the way, there are washrooms everywhere. There was no reason for me to carry that poisonned rye bread in my backpack all over Montreal. But then Rita has her reasons.

Went back down on the escalators and shuttle and boarded the bus. Went back to Dorchester Square. There were 3 buses there, so we disembarked from our bus and boarded the bus that was next to leave. Went in front of our apartment but decided we should see the Latin Quarter and we stayed on the bus.

Got off at the Latin Quarter. There were blue umbrellas hanging on wires strung across the street. Thought this was another street decorating motif, after we had seen the Pink Balls in the LGBQ district.

Noticed the sign in front of the theatre. They were playing Mary Poppins.

Found an interesting shop I would have liked to browse around in. the ladies fashions looked interesting. More interesting than even Lilly's.

Thought better of it. Rita, for sure, would force me to eat that loaf of rye bread she bought at the poisonnerie if I did.

Walked around to Boulevard St. Laurent. I thought we were near Swartz's and the Hungarian deli. We discovered we were not far enough East, because the stores were familiar to us, and as I remembered there were about 4-5 blocks more to walk. We weren't that interested in the Hungarian Charcuterie.

Returned to the corner of St. Denis and De Maisonneuve and boarded the bus. As we were driving by Boulevard St. Laurent, as on the tour before, the commentator was mentioning that the Best Montreal Smoked Beef Sandwich Charcuterie was a few blocks up the street, along with the best Bagel Shop in the world. "SWARTZ'S" and  "BAGELS ETC.". Swartz's, according, to the commentator, is owned by my favorite female singer Celine Dion. She sure knows how to sing, she knows nothing about making a great smoked beef sandwich, as far as I'm concerned.

Went around the rest of the circuit and the bus stopped at Dorchester Square. We had intended to stay on the bus and disembark at our apartment. No such luck. The buses stop running at 4:00PM.

Carried Rita's poisonned loaf of rye bread all the way to the apartment. Looked for a grocery store on the way, no luck. Came across a wedding or a photo shoot. Don't know which. But the bride and the groom were in a precarious position, almost getting hit by passing cars.


Something good came out of our long walk though. We found a SAQ (LCBQ in English.) kitty-corner to Notre Dam a block away.

The building on the right, is supposed to be a smaller version of the Empire State Building. The commentator on our tour mentioned that it was supposed to be a copy. But it was built in 1929, the Empire State Building in1931. It looks like a taller version of Vancouver City hall to me.

When we got back, we decided to walk down Rue St Paul, just around the corner to our apartment. There are a lot of restaurants, and there is a market down the street that I found on the internet.

Decided not to walk to the market, but to have some health food instead. So I went to McDonald's on the corner and bought some burgers and fries. A treat, for me, after Swartz's smoked beef sandwich last night. A double treat that I didn't have to eat the poisonned rye. Went to bed early. Turned the air-conditioning fan off, because it bothered Rita last night. It was quiet except for the loud laughter coming from the outdoor restaurants on Rue St Paul, and the idiot who was blowing a horn.

July 9 Montreal

 The hotel has extra slow speed internet. It is painfully slow. Takes hours to upload anything.

The view from our window.

Rita did some laundry. We were ready to leave at 11:45. Stepped out of the building, it was raining. Decided to wait it out. Checked the weather forecast. Rain; rain, rain. Decided to brave it.

Rita stopped around the corner from our front door to buy an umbrella. Walked down Rue St. Paul to Marche Bonsecours. It is not rely a market, it is a collection of shops that sell junk to tourists. Rita was right into it.

Before we left the Marche, we put on our Niagara Falls Ponchos that I had saved.

 Walked around Notre-Dame-de-Bon-Secours.

Didn't go inside just snapped a picture from the door. An elderly couple, also wearing Niagara Falls ponchos, started to talk to us. Rita was excusing herself trying to explain that she didn't speak French. Turns out they were from Memphis Tennessee. Might as well have been talking French, they were really hard to understand.

After walking around for awhile decided to have lunch at Chez Suzette the restaurant almost right below us.

No Sleeman's. (Why do I feel guilty?) Had lunch then went back to our apartment just around the corner. Put our clothes in the dryer.

We left for the IGA at 4:15. The rain had stopped. Nether the GPS nor Google Earth had the IGA that near to us. There were printed instructions how to get there on a piece of paper thumbtacked to the wall. Followed the instructions and sure enough it was in a humongous shopping center.

Stocked up on coffee Swiss Cheese etc. They had wine at the store but we didn't want to carry it that distance. The SAQ store was on the way back anyways. They had a better selection.

Rita really liked the little carts they had in the store. They are plastic and you can put your hand basket on them and push them around. The trouble is Rita shops in volume. They would have to invent couplers for the carts so Rita could push a train of them around.

Walked by Notre Dame stopped in the SAQ. To my disappointment they didn't have my cheap Hungarian wine. So I bought an expensive French Merlot $13.55/Lt. instead.

On the way home Rita stopped to gossip with the ladies in the neighborhood.

We will update you after we conclude our winetasting later on this evening. We had a perfect wine pairing last night. The Hungarian Kékfrankos paired EXTREMELY well with the Big Mac and the Cheeseburger. We should have had a light Rose Sparkling wine with the fries though. The Kékfrankos overpowered the delicate flavor of the French Fries.

July 10 Montreal

4:00AM. Really!! I mean I know cleanliness is next to Godliness. 4:00AM. Really!! There was a street sweeper right under our window, vacuum running full capacity at 4:00AM. Have to admit, Old Montreal, unlike the Latin Quarter is CLEAN. Mind you at our expense.

Since I'm up anyways, and as I promised I would, thought you might be interested in being updated on our winetasting from last night. The French wine won. Hands down. At $13.55/Lt. it is probably a cuvée speciale from the Rothschild's private reserved collection. Wish we had a few dozen bottles of Two Buck Chuck to compare it to. At $13.55/Lt. we might have to cancel the rest of our holidays and come home.

Ordered a Taxi for 10:30AM tomorrow to take us to the train station. Left around 12:30. Toured Notre Dame. It is definitely one of the most beautiful basilica interiors I have seen.

When we got there there were perhaps half a dozen people in front of us. After the tour, 10-15 minutes, when we came out, the lineup extended all the way down the stairs, I would say 100 people. Went for a walk in the areas of Old Montreal we haven't been in. Rita kept looking at the outside menus, looking for smoked beef sandwich or poutine. She didn't find any restaurant she liked. Ended up on McGill street and in front of the fish and chip restaurant the tour bus guide said was the best in Montreal, The Brit & Chips.

Rita had Blue Cod I had ordinary Cod. Rita asked the waitress if they had Mushy Peas? The waitress said they did, and seemed very excited to flog some off to Rita. Rita declined, and explained we were in London and had seen Mushy Peas advertised.

 Those tour guides must be paid off by the restaurants. It is nothing special, but much much better than Swartz's. Walked around for a while, then came back to our apartment. At least the rain held off during our walk.

Our holiday is halfway over. 3 cities down 3 to go. Tomorrow, Quebec City.

To Quebec