


Here we are again, following the adventures of the Intrepid Traveler Rita and her Tepid Companion Ti, as they explore the Eastern part of our country and the North East of the United States. Rita decided we better do it this year, before Donald Trump builds his wall. After he makes us pay for it, Rita figures, we will not have any money left to travel with.

So, here I am again, staring at the computer screen, wondering what the readers of this story might be interested in. In the olden days, while contemplating what to write, I could have chewed on the eraser at the end of my pencil or tickled my nose (or whatever) with the feathers on my quill. But alas, as you can tell by this story, the golden days of literature are long gone.

Regrettably. it is too late to grow a beard, too hot to wear a turtleneck, and since I stopped smoking, holding a pipe is out of the question. Other than that, I should make a striking figure in the picture, on the back of the hard cover edition of this story.

Rita has been talking, for a long time, about visiting Eastern Canada. Dean's unveiling of his "Undaunted" statue in Toronto on the 29 of June, gave us good reason to schedule the trip to coincide. We, Tina, Dean, Joshua and Hanna, will all be going on the same Air Canada flight 1980 from Abbotsford to Toronto on the 28th at 12:25PM. We, Tina, Dean, et al, will be traveling together for part of our trip, and be together in Toronto, Montreal (for one day only), and Quebec City, where Rachel will also join the group. While we will not be joined at the hip, we will try to stay together as much as possible, given we have different interests and energy levels.

The trip has been booked for a couple of months, and hopefully all will go according to plan. If it does, the story will be very short. As always, things that don't go according to plan, are what make life and stories more interesting. With me as author, you are guaranteed to be bored no matter what happens. It's just a question of magnitude.


Tihamér Tóth

Abbotsford 25 June 2016



June 28 Abbotsford - Toronto

Left the house at 10:30. Raya and Ken drove us to Abbotsford International YXX. Ken was just going to drop us off at Departures, but Raya wanted to come in to the Beautiful International Airport in the "Berry Capital of the world" to say goodbye to Tina, Dean and the Kids. Raya was not impressed. Compared to Kelowna's "Local" Airport, she claimed, that ABBOTSFORD  "INTERNATIONAL" AIRPORT was kind of rural. Tina, Dean and the Kids were already there and after checking in we met them in the restaurant.

The plane was to leave at 12:25 but was late and finally took off from BEAUTIFUL ABBOTSFORD INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, at 12:50.

Tina, Dean and the Kids were separated from us by a curtain in First Class. We sat in PEON Class and had some PEASANT food. Hungarian Pepper Sandwich and a small bottle of Grenache Noir Syrah each.

An hour into the flight, Rita had to go. The stewardess was blocking the aisle with her cart and Rita had to sit back down. And then we hit some turbulence, the seatbelt light came on, and Rita had to strap herself in for a rough ride. I immediately went into action and started looking for the Emergency Pamphlet to see were they kept the inflatable flotation devices. Just in case. Traveling with Rita it's always a good idea to be prepared. Eventually the seatbelt light went off, and an airline disaster was averted.

Arrived at Pearson International at 7:37 local time. Met Tina, Dean et al. and after picking up our luggage we went our separate ways. Found the Hertz booth and having reserved a car months in advance was kind of annoyed that we had to wait in line for about an hour. It seems everyone, in front of us, had a problem with their booking. They had one person at the counter. The other car rental companies had two, three clerks sitting behind the desk, and no customers. What was really irritating is that as soon as it was my turn another clerk showed up. Left the airport after 9PM.

After a few missed turns we finally arrived at our Airbnb around 10. Rita went inside to retrieve the keys and remote control that was in a lockbox in the stairwell on the 14th floor, while I waited in the car in front of the apartment building. 10-15-20 minutes, nothing. Finally Rita came back. She was unable to open the lockbox with the combination we were provided with. She sat in the car while I went up, and retrieved the key and remote. After getting instructions on how to get in the building using the fob, that came along with the keys, from the Consierge, we parked 3 floors underground. Tried to open the door to get to the elevator with the fob. Did not work. Tried several times. Finally gave up. Went up one flight on the stairs with the luggage, went back down to get Rita's. Decided it was too difficult, so we took the ramp, dragging our baggage up to the main floor where we were able to get in the front door using the fob. Asked the doorman why the fob didn't work in the garage, He said if it worked at the front door it should work in the garage. 

Walked over to Sobeys around 11PM to get some groceries. We were able to buy coffee and some sandwiches, but the wine area was already closed. So we had a couple of glasses of milk and went to bed.

June 29 Toronto

Woke up at 6:00AM made coffee. Rita was out a few minutes later.

View from 410 Queens Quay #1403, our Airbnb.

Left the condo around 11:00AM and walked to the CN Tower to get our hop on hop off tickets. The Email they sent when I purchased the tickets did not have a bar code or QR Code. The ticket agent had to phone to head office to get everything straightened out. Eventually it was and we went around Toronto, without getting off. I sat on the upper deck, to take pictures, Rita on the bottom to avoid the sun and the wind.

Got off the bus at CN Tower and stopped, on the way home, at Sobeys to buy Hungarian Peppers, Hungarian Sausages, Pizza etc. Then we bought 2 Bottles of Black Cellar Shiraz Cabernet Blend 19.

When we arrived back to the Condo, around 2:15, Rita phoned Dean to see where the statue unveiling was taking place. Just as Dean finished saying that it was at the Mount Pleasant Cemetery, the phone went dead. Programmed the GPS and left for the Cemetery. Mount Pleasant is 200 acres, and we were wondering how we were going to find the location of the unveiling. No problem. Parked the car, in the parking lot, and we were shuttled from the lot to the site. Dean had reserved VIP seats in the front row, under a tent, for us. We soon discovered it's not so great being VIP's. The front row was in the scorching sun. The lesser folk sat in the shade under the tent, or stood in the shade of the trees.

It was a short ceremony, with an Honor Guard, and three speeches. The last to speak was Dean. "Undaunted" is the only statue in the whole cemetery.

Didn't stay for the reception. Drove back to the Condo. On the way, Rita kept saying she needed to go to a Shoppers Drug Mart tomorrow to get some supplies. I thought great, another Boots experience, like in London, where we had to walk halfway across London to find a Boots store. Just as I was preparing to turn into our underground parking, lo and behold, there is a Shoppers Drug Mart just outside the front door to the condo.

Baked the Pizza, drank some wine. Couldn't get my Samsung Camera to work, and download the pictures I had taken, and of course, as I wrote before, I forgot to bring the wire to download the videos from the video camera. The battery went dead on the video camera, near the end of the ceremony, so I had to switch to the Canon. That's why you can see some of the video.

Tried the Samsung later in the evening, worked just fine. Joy. Saved $1000.00. Then of course, when Rita goes to Shoppers Drug Mart tomorrow the joy will soon be over.

June 30 Toronto

Woke up around 5AM. Updated this Blog. Woke Rita up at eight. Tina and Dean are supposed to drop by around 10AM to see our accommodations, and then we are going on the Hop-on Hop-off harbor cruise and then the bus. Looks like a beautiful day in Toronto.

Rita tried to take a shower, the water would not heat up. I tried, and had to run the water for about 10 minutes before the water was comfortable enough for a shower.

Rita just found the brochure from the unveiling. The statues name is "Undaunted".

Remember Tina, Dean and the kids were supposed to be here at 10. Well we actually started our tour at 12 noon. Waited and waited went down to look for them on the street at least 3 times. Nothing. Finally decided to just walk up to the CN Tower and hopefully run into them on the way. I don't know what made us decide to turn around and go back. As we walked into the building, the concierge told us that some people had gone up to our apartment. We arrived on the 14th floor just as they were ready to take the elevator down to the lobby. They looked around the apartment and, as I said, we left at noon.

Went up the CN Tower and then they had to get their ticket for the Hop-on Hop-off. After some problems we were finally able to get on the bus. Wanted to take the cruise, but everybody was hungry, so we decided to stay on the bus and find a place to have a late lunch. Got off the bus in front of St.Lawrence market. Went into Pastizza got a table on the patio, looked at the menu.

 The kids and I didn't like it. Too fancy for us. So we all decided to leave. Ended up at Jack Astor's (a sports bar) on Front street.

The Poland-Portugal football game was on. The food was good, the beer was cold. I was happy. Tina and Dean picked up the bill as a late fathers day present for me. Boarded the bus after Tina and Dean shopped in the market. Went to the Distillery District were they are staying. We all got off the bus, and as we did we found out it was the last bus for the day. So Rita and I, boarded again, and went around the circuit to the Rogers Centre, where the streets were full of baseball fans, wearing Blue Jays blue, were heading to the stadium for a game.

Didn't stop to see the baseball game. The tickets are too expensive, just to watch the grass grow. Stopped off at Sobeys bought some wine and cheese and walked back home.

During lunch we decided to meet at the Cruise terminal tomorrow at 8:30AM. We will see how that turns out.


July 1 Toronto

Happy Canada Day

Walked to the harbor cruise dock at 8:30AM.

It started raining. Walked around. No Tina or Dean. Around 9:15 decided we were done waiting, we'll take the next bus to Casa Loma. Waited for a bus which finally arrived around 9:25. Decided to board, but was told that the bus doesn't leave till 10:37AM. Walked back to the apartment. On the way Rita stopped at the Shoppers Drug Mart to buy some ground coffee. Looked at the Emails as soon as we got back. Sure glad we didn't stay, the Email Tina and Dean sent said they couldn't make 9:30 they will be there at 10:30. Great! 

Finally! Asked them a week before we left to set it up, Dean got in touch with us on Skype. Decided, since we had different interests anyway, we should go our own way. They want to go to the aquarium, we are interested in seeing Casa Loma. We will try to get together for the last cruise of the day sailing at 7:00PM. We will be on the boat whether they show up or not.

Went to the bus stop, no bus. Rita asked the girl attendant how long before the next bus. She said 10 minutes. Rita had to go. She went into the pet restaurant on the dock. They cater to clientele with pets. There are poop boxes on the street in front of the restaurant and if you look in the window you can see some in the window. Not saying where Rita went, just wondering. Of course the bus just left as Rita was coming out. Rita asked the girl again when the next bus is coming. She said 15 minutes. The traffic was terrible, got to the Casa Loma around 1:00 PM.

Sir Henry Mill Pellatt built it as a birthday present for his first wife Mary. It is estimated that he spent 3.5 Million to build it. He got off cheap. Adding up the money spent at Lilly's, he was a very frugal, nay, a cheapskate compared to me. With the money he saved, he could afford to build a decent winery and have money left over for a car collection.

Rita circa 1910. All the modern conveniences.

When we were looking in the garage at the antique cars, we could see the rain outside. It was pouring. We were hoping it would stop by the time we were finished with our tour. It did, and when we came out, it was nice and sunny. As we were coming down the hill from Casa Loma we saw the bus leave. While waiting for the next bus we felt a couple of drops, but were right by an overhang we could take shelter under, just incase the downpour started again.

Came home, made  Paprikás Krumpli from the Hungarian peppers and sausages, updated our blog. Around 6:15 we started to walk towards the cruise terminal. Met up with Tina and Dean and took the 45 minute cruise.

Nothing compared to Vancouver, but the CN Tower gave it some interest.

People were already starting to come for the fireworks scheduled for 11:00PM.

Ate dinner and around 11:00 the fireworks started. Rita went to bed and I decided to go up to the roof to watch the fireworks. Saw a sign on the door saying the roof is closed at 11PM. Came back down. The fireworks started, it was just around the corner of the building, just out of sight, as you can see on our video. There was another fireworks taking place on the other side of the building, and we has a great view of that, but it wasn't as impressive. Looked up and there were people going on the roof. I guess they keep the roof open after 11PM on special occasions. We could have had a great view of the July1 fireworks in the harbor. Went to bed instead of going up to the roof again. Seen one, you've seen them all. Fireworks don't interest us as much as they used to. Even with the fireworks going on, had no problem falling asleep.

July 2 Niagara Falls

Picked up Tina & Dean from 70 Mill St. at 9:00AM. The kids had gone the day before to stay with Dean's cousin. They weren't waiting for us on the street. Rita went in to see what was going on, as she was getting to their door they were coming out. Left for Niagara Falls at 9:10AM.

Arrived around 10:30. The parking lot address I had programed the GPS with, took us to a house somewhere on the outskirts of Niagara Falls. Reprogramed the GPS and ended up at the corner of Queen St. and Ontario Ave. Parked the car and went to look for a place to have breakfast. Found a restaurant right out of the 50's.  Hi-Light cafe on Queen St.

Dean was talking to his cousin and we agreed to meet at the Hornblower cruise terminal. Rita had lost her hat in Casa Loma yesterday, so she bought a new one with Canada written on it. She liked the hat, didn't like the Canada part. I guess she isn't fully integrated yet.

Met up with Dean's cuisines family, his Aunt and Uncle, his cousin's kids and of course Josh & Hanna. Dean's cousin wanted to walk to the Horseshoe falls before we took the cruise. So we walked to the falls.

It was very hot and muggy. Dean discovered that you couldn't get a group of 13 in the walk behind the falls until after 6:00 PM. We told him that we weren't interested  in walking back to the cruise and then walking back there again. Decided that we would take the cruise and then separate, so they could walk behind the falls. They would go back with Dean's cousins and come back, by train with the kids. Tina was worried about the kids being on their own anyways.

Took the cruise. We were given Red plastic ponchos to wear. One of the people in the group had a problem putting it on. Can you guess who? Anyways, we got separated while I was helping that person, with her poncho. Do you need more hints?


We met up again after we got off the boat, said our goodbyes, and started walking back to the car, while they went back to the falls. It wasn't as bad walking there, it was downhill. Walking back was different. We were complementing each other on the shape we were in. (Just went on Google Earth and measured the distance. It was only 8Km. there and back. Seemed like 80. But we each accepted the others compliments and felt good about ourselves.)

The GPS was acting up on the way back. On our way to Niagara Falls we had taken the freeway, all the way. Now the GPS was taking us off the freeway and taking us through town. Stopped in front of a Tim Horton's to see what was wrong. Tried this and that. Then I remembered that the GPS detects traffic jams and detours you around them.  After a distance we were back on the freeway, and on our way again.

It was 8:30PM when we arrived. Stopped at the beer store a block from our building, bought 6 Guinness Drafts. Would have preferred wine, but here in Ontario they don't sell beer and wine in the same store.

Had dinner, watched the news, drank the beers, and went to bed.

To Ottawa