Naples - Sorento - Pompeii (Italy)
28 April 2024
Woke up as we were entering Naples harbour, had breakfast on our balcony in our stateroom, then headed two floors down to the meeting place for our excursion to Sorrento & Pompeii.

We were loaded onto a bus with our guide and headed towards Sorrento. As soon as our guide saw the first lemon tree, he started talking about Limoncello. It is an Italian lemon liqueur mainly produced in southern Italy, especially in the region around the gulf of Naples, the Amalfi Coast and Sicily. He was obviously enthralled with the liqueur, and we had to listen to hours of him telling Limoncello stories. Limoncello this, Limoncello that, it seemed every tenth word was Limoncello.

After an hour and a half of Limoncello, we finally arrived in Sorrento. Disembarked from the bus, and were told to meet at the bus stop in two hours.
We started walking towards the center of Sorrento and Rita had to go to the restroom. There was a restroom shop with a man collecting .50EU for the privilidge. Paid the "ransom", after all Rita's worth it, and then proceeded to walk toward the center of town.

Saw a nice outdoor restaurant and decided to have lunch there. Rita, was in a zone of her own, wanting to taste pizza made in the area it originated from, so we asked the waiter for, guess what, Pizza. The waiter said it was too early for pizza but would bring a menu. Rita wanted to order, guess what, Limoncello. The waiter brought our Limoncellos and said Pizza was available afterall. So we ordered one. He walked off without asking what topping we wanted on it. Thought that was strange, but found out later, in this area  at least, there is only one topping, tomato, mozzarella and basil. Another thing that was different than in North America, the pizza was served with French fries as a sidedish.

On our last visit to Italy, at Renato's house, Rita remembered having Limoncello. The way she remembered it was, as a flavoring for ice cream, the way it was served  at Renato's. She was brought a glassful of hard liqueur.


She tasted it, and decided she didn't like it. Being the kind hearted gentleman, that I am, I forced myself, and drank hers and mine. As you can see on my face on the above picture, I'm not a fan of Limoncello, especially with pizza. Rita thought the pizza was the best she's ever tasted. They have a special dough that is softer than we're used to, and fold the pizza over as you eat it.

After we finished our lunch we decided to see some of the side streets off the main road. Lot of shops catering to certain gender of tourists, with purses and jewelry.

Below are the famous Lemons of Sorrento.

Decided not to go down to the beach, and started heading back to the bus stop. We were about half an hour early, so we sat in the shade and watched people as they were going into another washroom shop at the bus stop. There was a table setup in front of the store, and a man was collecting money. I guess rest rooms are "big business" (excuse the pun) in Sorrento.

Then we went back on the bus and headed for, guess what, a Limoncello factory. As soon as the bus started moving the tour guides mouth started on Limoncello. Finally arrived at the Limóncello factory. Went in and tasted their Limoncello liqueur, candy, chocolate, and dozens of Limoncello products.

If you're sick of listening to stories about Limoncello, I just wanted you to feel how sick we were listening about it.

Got back on the bus and we left the Limoncello factory for Pompeii.

First they took us to the Pompeii gift shop. Usually gift shops are at the exit not the entrance of the venue. Not in Pompeii.

Our tour guide handed the group off to another tour guide for the tour through Pompeii. I was disappointed, would have liked to hear how the Pompeian's loved Limoncello.

The ground was very uneven and I had to hold onto Rita so she wouldn't fall and break her arm, as she did in London. A couple of ladies noticed her predicament and came to hold on to her other arm.

The guide was very well informed, and went at a pace that even we could keep up with.

After finishing the tour, we headed back to the bus, and went back to the ship.

Had dinner in one of the restaurants, went back to our stateroom sat on the balcony for a while and went to bed.